I've been inside a lot lately and thus doing a bit more drawing than usual.
Most of every thing is in my sketchbook so I'll put it up sooon but for noow...

..here is a sketch I did of Bjork (on my tablet). Iiiii have spent an insane amount of time in the last few days just listening to her music, watching her crazy videooos, and just drooling over her awesome awesome repertoire of creative out-put. I WANT to do more WORK and to try out all different kinds of mediums and just have FUN again! Work is great and all but I'm really ready to jump into something more motivating annnd imaginative now.
I've always had kind of a tiny girl-crush on her but I got on this binge after talking to my boss at Spunk Design about her for awhile. He, as well, is an avid fan and spoke of the time they chatted at a party in ny. It all was going really well for him as they talked until he realized she was the love of his life and awkwardly excused himself... what a horrible way to react to that kind of realization haha.
Another person that really sparked this intense craving for weird and crazy work that feeds off the creators imagination is Alexander McQueen. I just saw his exhibit in The Met recently (which was made possible only because my mom is a member and so we could skip the 3 HOUR LABYRINTH of a line) and it was really quite extraordinary. Everyone should go see it accompanied by a Met membership card.. they make great dates. Each outfit was a product of a whole environment that was first created in McQueens head -a story, a character, a place, a feeling... I think it fits more in the category of costume design and fine art than fashion design.
That last image directly above wasn't in the exhibit but gave me a really great ALice in Wonderland / Matthew Barney vibe. Matthew Barney (Bjork's husband) being another one of those artists who's imagination you love to be scared of. Sooo beautiful but often very creepy. Love it.
Mk sooo see you again after I've attempted to begin my new endeavor to produce create imagine.. I should look a tad bit more like Bjork then... maybe.